How do we live and work in the future?

Sulit is a European organization based in Schleswig Holstein, that offers wholistic programs for future thinking and transformation. The call for transformative actions and skills today is omnipresent to guide teams and organizations into a desirable yet unknown future.

Sulit´s vision is to create  wholistic and unique places of innovation, learning and exchange.

We are solving real challenges about the future of rural and urban life. Sulit builds bridges from the onsite experience to the hands-on knowledge you need to transform your organization. Be part of a mission that shapes the future and makes you a future proof leader.

Sulit invites executives, freelancers/digital nomads, and creatives to learn about future thinking and co-create future ideas by solving real-life challenges.

in Pescina 2024

European villages have an immense potential of becoming the crossroads of tradition and innovative developments.

  • They have infrastructure for a fulfilling social life. People with talents and vision.
  • They have an incredible amount of space.
  • They are open for innovative ideas


ROOTS X WINGS Workshop in the heart of Abruzzo. August 2024

Be part of Pescinas invitation to innovate concepts of living and working in rural Italy.

Cocreation. Sulit.

Think • Invent • Ideate

Sulit's vision is to build a vivid future society. We create a wholistic and unique place of innovation, learning and exchange for individuals and organizations that want to transform themselves and learn by being involved in real challenges.

Sulit brings innovative minds and organizations together to explore, learn and network while being fully immersed in the enviroment.

What we offer

  • An exchange among a diverse group of people
  • Creative and mind-opening methodologies
  • Solutions for real challenges around the future of living and working
  • An immersive experience for all senses.

Suit - founded by Jane Katharina di Renzo who believe that real transformation comes from a place where we celebrate our humanness and beauty. Only when we are fully present and engage with our environment we change and learn. COCREATION. SULIT
Slide FEATURED Jane Katharina
di Renzo
Jane is a Future Scientist, Photographer, Designer.
She's the brilliant mind behind "Don't Wait 4 me" a company that expertly connects people across disciplines and borders. But that's not where Jane's journey ends. She's redefining the retail landscape with "Kula Berlin" and passionately pursuing her vision with "Sulit." Jane's commitment to innovation is a force to be reckoned with, and her impact is nothing short of remarkable.. "
Slide FEATURED Martin
He investigated how migration and interculturality impact urban and rural coexistence. Today, as a Senior PR Consultant, he creates innovative strategies for government bodies, associations. Intercultural Communication
Slide FEATURED Sulit
Friederike is a trained futurist and international facilitator. Her expertise lies in designing learning journeys for different stakeholders and to be a midwife to bold and innovative ideas. “In Sulit I combine my passion for wholistic transformation and my love for the Italian language, people and culture” FOUNDER OF FRIDA FUTURA & THE FUTURE GAME 2050
Slide FEATURED Sulit
Ulrike Gottschalk is Co-Founder of Kombinat, the e-commerce agency in Berlin. She is the founder of JUST SWAP IT. She designs and sells individualised reusable cups for a more sustainable consumption of coffee. " In Sulit I combine my passion to design beautiful spaces with my love for great food!" FOUNDER OF JUST SWAP IT. & KOMBINAT Ulrike Gottschau