§1 Registration for open seminars

Open seminars are seminars that are publicly advertised on our website or in advertisements. Registrations must be made in writing using the ticket order form or by email. The booking will be confirmed in writing. The invoice must be paid before the seminar. By sending the online form or sending the written seminar registration, the sender agrees to the electronic storage of the data provided. This personal data is used exclusively for processing and for information about further seminar offers and is not passed on to third parties.

§2 Terms of payment

Invoices are payable immediately upon receipt without any deductions.

§3 Cancellation of open seminars

Cancellations must always be made in writing. If you cancel up to 21 days before the seminar begins, the Sulit Academy will retain a processing fee of € 70. In the event of a no-show or cancellation less than 14 working days, the Sulit Academy will charge the full seminar fee. If a participant does not use the full service, there is no claim for reimbursement for the unused part. Participation in the seminar is transferable at any time.

§4 Change in the scope of services

The content and sequence of the seminar program as well as the use of the trainers can be changed while maintaining the overall character of the seminar. This does not entitle the participant to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the invoice amount. Costs for accommodation, arrival and departure are not included in the seminar price, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the seminar description.

§5 Seminar cancellation

The Sulit Academy reserves the right to cancel open seminars up to ten working days before the start of the seminar if the number of participants is too small (usually fewer than 10 participants). If the seminar is canceled due to illness of the trainer, force majeure or other unforeseeable events, there is no entitlement to the conduct of the seminar. There is no entitlement to reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs as well as loss of work. No liability is accepted for indirect damage, in particular loss of profit or third party claims.

§6 Copyrights

By registering, the seminar participants undertake to observe the following points: Workbooks or documents etc. accompanying the seminar are subject to copyright and may under no circumstances and under any circumstances be reproduced photomechanically or electronically; they are only intended for the personal use of the course participants and may not be passed on to third parties. The lectures, documents and workshop results may not be recorded, documented or passed on without the written approval of the Sulit Academy.

§7 Liability

The respective seminar is carefully prepared and carried out according to the current state of knowledge. We assume no liability for advice given and the use of the knowledge acquired. The Sulit Academy assumes no responsibility for disadvantages that arise due to the lack of seminar requirements among the participants.

§8 Place of jurisdiction

The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Berlin.

§9 Final provisions

All contracts and legal relationships between the Sulit Academy and its customers are subject to German law. Should a provision of these terms and conditions or a regulation within the framework of other agreements be or become ineffective, legally valid agreements which come closest to the ineffective will take the place of the ineffective agreement. This does not affect the effectiveness of all other provisions or agreements. Additional agreements are only valid if they have been agreed in writing.